What's that? A hat? Crazy, funky, junky hat : 10 vintage hats that are Keira Knightley approved

Elegant. Sophisticted. Playful. Hats are truly remarkable accessories, capable of transforming any outfit. Back in high school (specifically my senior year) I was addicted to hats. I had this collection of over 15+ caps lined up on my car dashboard. Every morning, I'd sit in my car before school, trying on different hats to see which one felt right for the day. It wasn't about matching my outfit, but more about how each hat made me feel. Recently, I’ve been drawn toward fashion caps again, the more outlandish - the better. Not only are hats the ideal accessory on a bad hair day but they truly add that extra oomph to my look.

Alex Lucke

Hi! I’m a Squarespace website designer and developer with more than 6 years of experience bringing my clients’ digital dreams to life.


Dressing Dreams: The English Roses Closet Chronicles


I’m Going Bananas: My New Color Obsession